Anniversary Sale
Help fill the Featherweight Maintenance class! It is in danger of being cancelled with only 3 people signed up for this Saturday, October 20th.
$40.00 10:00-1:00 for basic instruction and after that personal repairs or needs will be addressed. He brings parts and accessories for those who just want to stop in for something.
Also, if you had shown interest in the large Pineapple ruler please contact us because I forgot who had wanted it. :0 I have the mini Pineapple ruler as well. Also, I ordered Havel's snips because customers asked me to. 50 yard rolls of 2 1/2" batting has arrived for the popular Jelly Roll Rugs. Speaking of the rugs, I have scheduled the oval Jelly Roll Rug class for Friday, November 9th, and the Straight Jelly Roll Rug class for Saturday, November 10th. The Friday class starts at 9:00 am and requires prep work. The Saturday class starts at 10:00 (No prep) and both classes go until about 4:00. The cost is $25.00
Happy Fall Quilting!
Hope to See You,
Susan Florez, Partners, and Staff